How it works
Simple, clear & flexible
How to become a member?
Our membership structure has been kept very simple, clear and flexible to suit all our members different needs.
It works on a Timesheet credit basis and you simply buy credit in advance in the form of Timeblocks to gain access to our services, and then use your credit how and when you need.
A 20-hour (1200 minutes) Timeblock costs €1200 plus TVA, so €1 essentially becomes 1 minute of our time which can also be used to make purchases, pay bills etc on your behalf.
There is no time limit on how long this credit can be kept for and if not used will be reimbursed at the end of a contract.
Our current billing rates are as follows:
- Ten80 Management time is charged to your Timeblock at 60 minutes per hour
- Ten80 Maintenance time is charged to your Timeblock at 60 minutes per hour
- Ten80 cleaning time is billed to your Timeblock at 40 minutes per hour (with some special offers at certain times of year)
The annual membership fee is 240 minutes. This is debited quarterly (60 minutes per quarter) from your Timeblock and covers all administration, communication, key holding and meetings.
Our on-line management system OASYS is a live calendar and balance sheet that allows you as a member to easily organise your stays, book cleans and maintenance tasks and manage your account online.
OASYS is accessed through a secure member login from this site.
Contact us for any question!